Among us logic fanon Wiki


Maura misses Thresher so she joins his lobby.

Maura’s POV

I hadn’t seen Thresher in the lobby for days. He’s my half brother and I love him. Where could he be?

“Thresher, I hope you survive,” I started to sob. Not Lime was confused, so he departed with ForteGreen. I was sad as more and more players left the lobby. I looked around and saw nobody but Wokebruh, Warmix, and Naiverain.

“You okay?” Warmix asked, worried. “I get you miss Thresher.”

“Me me me...” Naiverain sighed, ready to explode. I could tell he was sad by the tone in his voice.

Wokebruh started to groan as he popped his back. “Oh yeah!” he exclaimed.

Thresher’s POV

I missed Maura, and I hope she missed me too. We’d been in separate lobbies for a month now. I tried calling Maura, but all I got was a dial tone and static. I threw my phone across the room and started to cry.

“Poor Thresher,” Bro sighed.

“Yeah,” Mother replied.

“You OK, Thresher?” Honey sighed. She was in the lobby with me.

“No, I’m afraid not, Honey,” I sniffed. A tear fell from my visor.

Then Stoner freaked.”Dude, are your tears black?” he screamed.

“Yes, due to my power,” I cried. I still missed Maura!

Maura’s POV

Meanwhile, I was still in Wokebruh’s lobby. Naiverain and Warmix stared into each other’s eyes romantically. Then I decided to leave the game, and searched for lobbies that have my half brother’s name on them. Then I found the perfect one! Yes! I was going to see Thresher again!

I entered the game and saw Player, Honey, Stoner, Cherry, Mother, and... (you won’t believe this) Thresher! He was here! Wait, he was crying? Had he missed me or what? I instantly changed my color to pink and re-selected the leaf hat. Now he’d be able to recognize me!

“Thresher!” I screamed, streaming tears. I was so happy!

Then I saw Thresher perk up. He was running towards me!

Thresher’s POV

“Maura!” I hollered. I ran towards her and stream my black tears.




“Maura!!!!” I gave one final yell.

We fell in each other’s arms and cry.

“Oh, Thresher!” Maura cries. “I missed you so much!”

“Maura... I didn’t want to start the game without you! I LOVE YOU!” I scream.

“Aw,” Mother cooed.

“You two look so cute together!” Honey replied.

“Thresher, please start the game,” Player said.

“Yes, sir, Player, my ancient cousin!” I exclaimed, determined thanks to my half sister.

The End