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NL: assassin






TheGentleman: impostor



Blaze: Can someone explain me this mod?

Octal: Umm… sure!

Octal: There is an additional role called the assassin!

Octal: This role knows the impostor, but has only one kill.

Blaze: That's ridiculous!

Thresher: Then you can leave!

Blaze: *grunts* Why can't we play another mod?

NL: Because there are no other mods to play.

Lemon: Okay, I'm bored. Let's start.

*game starts*

TheGentleman is the Impostor

NL is the assassin

MrCheese: My name Mr. Cheese!

*TheGentleman starts stabbing him*

Player: *calls meeting*

Player: I need to ask something.

NL: Yes?

Player: If we eject the impostor, but the assassin is still alive, will the crewmates win?

Octal: No, we have to eject the assassin, too.

Player: Okay.

No one is ejected (skipped)

TheGentleman: *kills RGB in front of Lemon*

NL: *kills Lemon*

*They both enter the vent*

Thresher: *reports Lemon's body*

Thresher: Stack kill. So the assassin killed someone.

Blaze: I sus TheGentleman. I haven't seen him this whole round.

*Everyone votes TheGentleman except TheWhiteGentleman and himself*

TheGentleman was impostor

1 assassin remains

Thresher: Great, this means nobody will die anymore.

Octal: But why didn't TheWhiteGentleman vote TheGentleman?

Octal: *calls meeting*

Octal: Why didn't TheWhiteGentleman vote TheGentleman?

TheWhiteGentleman: I am his biggest fan; I can't vote him!

*Everyone votes TheWhiteGentleman except himself*

TheWhiteGentleman was not an assassin

1 assassin remains

Blaze: Perfect, how about we do tasks and stop ejecting innocents?

NL: Good idea!


Thresher: *calls meeting*

Thresher: Player's chasing me!


Player was not an assassin

1 assassin remains

Octal: Okay, we only have four left. Let's do our tasks.

NL: I'm so bored.

Thresher: Me too.

Thresher: And fixing wires sucks.

Blaze: *calls emergency meeting*

Blaze: Octal kinda sus

Octal: I thought we agreed—

Octal was not an assassin

1 assassin remains

NL: Why did you say Octal without proof!?

Thresher: Yeah, that's kinda sus.

NL: *calls emergency meeting*

Blaze was not an assassin

TheGeantleman and NL WIN

Octal: Seriously, guys? I admit I voted someone out, but… wow. None of us were in our right minds. We literally could've won if we hadn't taken the risky road.

Thresher: I guess this mod isn't so good after all.