It also will contain minor violence and minor horrifying sightings (Chewed up corpses, Blood, Flesh and a image of I Was driving in a Army Jeep running over Enemies (not hackers)
Denny’s Family (other than Tenny)
Chewed up Corpse (Cameo) (A Bratty Thresher dog Chewed up by Denny)
Denny: Wow I cannot wait to eat my favorite AUL Kibble!!!!!!!!! I Love it!
*Denny Opens closet*
Lenny: Mmmmm Dang this Thresher dog Flesh tastes so good!!!!!!! Oh Denny didn’t see you there… wait want to share?
Denny: Hmmm can I have it with my Kibble and The Flesh?????
Lenny: Sure!
*Denny sees His Kibble is empty*
Kenny: How the heck should I know?
Jenny: I Don’t Know!!!!! I was asleep in bed and haven’t eaten for a while!
Penny: I don’t eat in a disgrace!!!!!
*Denny Realizes that Benny’s mouth is covered in his kibble*
Denny: Um Benny?
Benny: Arf?
I Was: Hold up *puts dog translation chip on his neck*
Benny: Much Better! Anyways. What?
Denny: why do I see kibble on your mouth and kibble crumbs in your Red Fur?
Benny: Ummm *Sigh* ok Denny, I am sorry I ate your kibble I loved it so much I wanted more but realized I at all of it by accident.
Denny: YOU WHAT!!!!!!!! GRRRR *Denny chases him across the dog house*