Among us logic fanon Wiki

Among Us Logic Replica 5: Similarities is the 5th episode of AULR.


  • Player
  • Beanie
  • Veteran
  • TheGentleman
  • Mr. Cheese
  • Mother
  • Captain
  • Mr. Egg
  • Stoner
  • Engineer
  • Unknown Voice


Player: Come on Veterabbit, you're up.

Veteran: Just-just give me a minute! Alright Veteran, you only have one shot at this, do not miss your chance to blow this opportunity comes once in a lifetime.

*Veteran sings and gets cut off by glitches*

*The dream would start to become static as more glitches appear*

Player: Uh hey, Veteran, what's wrong?

Veteran: H-hey, Player.

Player: You look nervous.

Veteran: Yeah, had this insane dream.

Player: What was it about?

Veteran: I was singing and i heard a voice.

Player: Wait, a voice? What did it sound like?

Veteran: The kind of sounded like a familiar person.

Player: Wait...he's...also talking to you?!

Veteran: You also heard that voice?!

Player: Yeah, he keeps talking to me and making me relive past games, he won't tell me why he's doing this or who he is. It seems after every match, you guys all lose your memories but me!

Veteran: Oh. my. god.

*You're a great explainer, Player!*

Player: Stop!

Listen, you're at the halfway point!

Player: The...halfway point?

You see, i got something planned for your 10th game!

Veteran: You mean the one with the robots?

Yep, and for the fun of it, i'll make it so it will just be you and Player who doesn't lose their memories!

Player: Veteran, that's kind of a good thing, it means you won't forget this.

Veteran: I'm starting to understand you, Player...wait a minute, if this is our 5th game, aren't you Mr. Cheese in disguise?

Player: There are certain differences, plus if i were Mr. Cheese, why would i know the voice?

*Mr. Cheese disguised as Player joins*

Captain: Wait, 2 players?

Player: Captain, that's Mr. Cheese disguised as me.

Mr. Cheese: WHAT, NO!

Player: Time i reveal your true identity!

*Player rips off his mask, revealing Mr. Cheese under the disguise*


Mr. Cheese:

Player: Well, that takes care of that problem.

Veteran: Should we explain to the others?

Player: Their memories will be wiped and they won't remember it!

TheGentleman: Greetings, Player and Veteran!

Mr. Egg: Salutations!

Player: Hey, TheGentleman, and Mr. Egg.

Captain: Alright, everyone, i have a announcement to make!

Veteran: You're gonna say it's 3 impostors now, aren't you?

Captain: Uh, yeah? How did you know that? You must be a great future teller! Or some sort of mind reader. Anyways, i'm gonna do it.

Player: Veteran, listen, i won't have any idea how this match is gonna go since Mr. Cheese was playing this match. You're gonna have to help me, got that?

Veteran: OK.

*The game starts*

Veteran: Player, i've got to tell you something.

Player: What is it?

Veteran: Ok, so the imposters in the original game were Captain, Mother, and Mr. Cheese disguised as you.

Player: That means...Mr. Cheese is one of the impostors!

Veteran: Yeah, but let's only eject one impostor at a time. We don't want people to get suspicious.

Player: What if he murders us? It's not unlikely he'll just kill us, he even sings about how nobody suspects him.

Veteran: Let's be together the entire game, maybe even hide.

Player: Ok, just remember to stay away from Mother, Captain, and Mr. Cheese as best as possible.

Veteran: Good idea.

*Dead body reported*

Captain: Woah, a murder just happened! I'm definitely shocked! It totally wasn't Mother or anything?

Veteran: I'm hearing a weird tone in your voice, it's almost like you're trying to defend Mother as an impostor...

Stoner: I was just about to say that!

Captain: No, it's not me!

Player: Then it's Mother!

Mother: Why...

Player: Why would Captain sound so sarcastic saying it's not you? Plus, you held a grudge against Cub, after he constantly annoyed you.


Veteran: How bad are you to the point you can't even speak in a serious tone whenever you lie?

Player: Yep, we're gonna vote Mother, after we vote you. All in favor of voting Mother, say "Aye!".

Everyone: AYE!


Mother was an impostor, 2 impostors remain.

*Everyone looks at Captain*

Captain: I....i can wasn't me!

Stoner: Tell that to the ghosts!

Captain was an impostor, 1 impostor remains,

Mr. Cheese: *to himself* You foolish impostors.

Player: What was that, Mr. Cheese?

Mr. Cheese: Oh, nothing!

Player: No, you said something, spit it out!

Veteran: I think he's hiding some sort of secret.

Engineer: According to my calculations and looking at the whispering closely, he said "You foolish impostors".

The Gentleman: Mr. Cheese, are you an impostor?

Mr. Cheese: NO! I'M NOT!

Gnome: Engineer is always right! He's so perfect...


Mr Cheese was an impostor, 0 impostors remain.

Player: I won.

Veteran So, Player, what usually happens after you win in these replicas?

Player: I hear voices.

Veteran: Then what?

Player: Sometimes it glitches up and i get teleported in a pitch black room then it glitches to the lobby in the next game.

Veteran: Spooky...

Player: Speaking of "spooky", you know what the next match will be, right?

Veteran: Yeah?

Player: A Halloween themed game in July, that's gonna be a strange one.

Veteran: They probably need to improve their timing.

*The game starts to glitch and Player teleports away, presumably to the next game*