Among us logic fanon Wiki


Not Lime

Dummy 0



Not Lime: ok, this time I practice freeplay nothing weird will happen.

Not Lime: Let’s go to the laptop…


Not Lime: now let’s go to comms…..

Not Lime: is there ment to be no dummy here? Anyway I gotta do upload.

Not Lime: ok, now I’m here in the vault.

Not Lime: something fishy is going on. There’s ment to be a dummy in here.

Dummy 0: sry to disturb u….

Not Lime: how are you moving and stuff I’m on freeplay!

Dummy 0: no, COVID 20 told me to give you this.

Not Lime: so what’s this cyan gem?

Dummy 0: it’s the ice crystal of the universe.

Not Lime: am I ment to hold it?

Dummy 0: no, you put it above your visor. It will make you technically immortal.

Not Lime: in the game?

Dummy 0: it will make you immortal in the game, but in the war COVID 20 would temporarily trap everyone in the game.

Not Lime: why do that?

Dummy 0: you see COVID 20 is trapped in the game. He will trap everyone in the game so sire sirol does not send missiles at everyone IRL.

Not Lime: I see. What are the other crystals?

Dummy 0: Molten has got the fire crystal

Dummy 0: Aquatic has got the water crystal

Dummy 0: COVID 20 has got the plant crystal

Dummy 0: And the storm crystal will be given to-

Fortegreen: me?

Dummy 0: yes.

Fortegreen: I saw this on cams, Why are giving out these “crystals”

Dummy 0: to prepare for the war.

Dummy 0: so Fortegreen take this.

Fortegreen: where did they come from?

Dummy 0: the god of among us stole our white crystal long ago, then COVID 20 took it back and mastered it.