COVID 20: I almost perfected my creation! It’s gonna be invincible! It also cannot be put under any influence except from mine!
Octal: what u doing?
COVID 20: I’m making the ultimate war machine. It’s also thresher proof!
Octal: what’s that meant to mean?
COVID 20: if thresher decides he wants to mess it up, it won’t be!
Octal: wow ig…
COVID 20: it’s loyal to me and 100% invincible.
Octal: epic
COVID 20: I could blabber on all day about all the abilities I’ve given it.
Octal: what you gonna use it for?
COVID 20: Killing sire.
Octal: it hasn’t got a visor-
COVID 20: because I made it look like slender man! See? It’s even white with the buisness suit.
Octal: well… gl on that.
note: Do NOT edit this episode