The 26th Episode Of AULF! ENJOY!
Mr cactus
Rehsir hit
Innesloth 2
Innersloth 1
Mr pizza
Ms icecream
Thresher: sus why are you here?
Sus: even tho i use hacks there are even worse players like hacker
Hacker: guys im back!!!
Thresher: Innersloth 2 you unbanned Hacker
Innersloth 2: You and innersloth 1 and hacker and sus Are going to be destroyed!
Thresher: not if i destroy you first!
Rehsir hit: Hahaha! You will never stop us!
Thresher: you?
Rehsir hit: yes me in the same as you but better.
Sus: I'm sorry I used hacks, I just wanted to win among us!
*Octal joins game*
Octal: What's even happening!?
Thresher: A lot of things.
Octal: Bruh stahp.
Thresher: You not gonna be laughing yet
Octal: Remember Episode 24? *brief flashback of Thresher being fried with camera*
Thresher: Oh, I see!
Rehsir hit: *fried*
Thresher: Now what?
Octal: He seems to be the embodiment of all Among Us evil. he will always be there, thus we, the heroes, are forced for all eternity to hold them back.
Octal: Though I do admit the definition of "hero" is and can be skewed, and same with "villain."
Thresher: Good point.
More coming soon!