Gassss is a green-colored Among Us Player who farts a lot. He wears a gas mask for safety reasons. He is attached to Player for some reason-but Player
despises Gassss! Gassss often argues with Poopyfarts96 about who is poopier, similar to Mr pizza and Mr. Cheese. Captain made a cure for Gassss that would allow him to be without the gas mask. It turned out to be a April Fools joke, but it unleashed farty power from him, giving him odd abilities. He was banned to the Cheater's Lobby. He overthrew Sirclogsworth as the unofficial boss of the cheaters lobby. He captured player in it and gave him a "Speech Mask" which made it so he couldn't talk, or renounce to return to normal Among Us! He eventually managed to escape the place with help from Innersloth.