Among us logic fanon Wiki
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KingCheese is a new character in among us logic fanon 23, he is yellow and has a cheese hat. He played with zmde once, he is an expert, he has a cheese hat and his color is yellow, his minions are 4 mr cheeses. in AULF he saved his child from being kidnapped by the fbi however he was arrested and his child was killed.


AUL fanon 23, 27, 32, 40,53. AULFAU 1 - 5


MrCheese: they argue about who is better.

among us logic wiki:they false reported and banned him infinitely so he left the wiki


Fuhk U: they are BFs. Cublet: it is his minicrewmate


He is generally serious and nice, but he can be angered easily.

in aulfau, he is calm but rarely toxic. he hates roleplaying.